Huck Otranto CamargoHuck Otranto Camargo



Huck Otranto Camargo offeres advice on all types of contracts that are essential to bring legal certainty to your business, such as purchase and sale, construction, financing, distribution, services, representation, mandates, loans, franchises, concessions, personal securities and collateral, as well as atypical corporate contracts that are common in more complex businesses. This advice involves the structuring, drafting, negotiation and review of contracts, as well as providing all the necessary support during the negotiating process of a contract, from the beginning to the execution and possible registration and submission for approval before the competitive agencies.

Professionals in the field have solid experience and also know that clear and concise drafting of contracts reduces the possibility of future disputes. Therefore, they always seek to reflect, in each instrument, the specific concerns and needs of the client, as well as make the required adaptations in view of the peculiarities and challenges of each sector of the economy. Legal advice in this area includes answering consultations and drafting legal opinions, as well as analyzing the validity and effectiveness of contractual clauses, effects of default and the performance of obligations.