Huck Otranto CamargoHuck Otranto Camargo


Payment methods and fintechs

Huck Otranto Camargo is always attentive to the evolution of Central Bank legislation and regulations, as well as the latest technological innovations, and is fully able to assist clients in structuring their businesses, so that aware of the risks and characteristics of the environment involved, they can make the most effective decision for the intended purpose.

Considering that regulation itself and excessive regulatory requirements may limit innovation and competition in the financial sector, as well as impose a “regulatory burden” that is often incompatible with the size of fintechs, our law firm has a team able to distinguishing parameters in these regulation to propose alternatives for solving problems common to financial institutions, banking correspondents, direct credit companies, intercompany lending companies and even companies performing activities not officially classified as financial.

Payment methods and fintechs represent innovations that have imposed themselves on the market as indispensable – and find in Huck Otranto Camargo the assurance of complete and efficient advice in structuring operations; in the negotiating, drafting and revision of contracts; defending clients’ interests in administrative proceedings before the Central Bank of Brazil and the National Financial System Appeals Council (Conselho de Recursos do Sistema Financeiro Nacional), as well as in extrajudicial supervisory, intervention and liquidation procedures; advice on financial system and foreign exchange standards; advice on incorporation, transfer of shares and corporate reorganization transactions of financial institutions and their conglomerates.